Thursday 13 August 2020

Relishing the AC

 It was a really hot day for a hive inspection (feels like 41 degrees C!) but it had been a few weeks since I last checked in on the ladies and Grandma was here to supervise the boys, so in I went.

Everything in all five hives look great.  All the hives are queen right, there are no swarm cells, they are all laying down honey, and there is still lots of room in each hive for both brood (baby bees) and honey storage.  And I managed to get in and out with zero stings!  It may have taken me eight years, but I think I might finally have the hang of this beekeeping thing...until the next emergency anyway.

The worst thing about mid-summer hive inspections is the sweat.  Man, is it hot in that bee suit!  After my morning of beekeeping, I was more than happy to shower and then spend the afternoon finishing up the sweet relish.

We had not made relish in a while but it was a success. We used up the last of our large cucumbers, some of of the big zucchinis (we grated and froze the rest for winter zucchini bread), and ended up with more than enough jars of relish for a least two years.

It was another busy but productive day (and this was only half of what we got done!).

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