Saturday 15 August 2020

Market Day

We are not really a Farmers' Market kind of farm.  Not that we have anything against them, we actually love markets, but they are not really kid-friendly places when you are trying to be a vendor.  It is basically my nightmare to have to try to sell our farm products while simultaneously keeping three young children from wreaking havoc like the (adorable) hooligans they are.  Thankfully, Grandma kindly offered to keep watch over our hooligans for a few hours this afternoon so Ian and I could participate in the Kanata North Pop-Up Farmers' Market in the Small Pony Barrel Works/Big Rig parking lot.

This was our first kid-free date since the start of the pandemic!  As such, we had a great time even if we had to wear masks the whole time (which really is uncomfortable!  I know...whine, whine.  We did it but it is not fun).  We had a really good turn out; we sold at least one of each item we brought.  My artisan bread sold like hot cakes (this was the first time I had ever made nine loaves at once!) and our garlic flew off the table!  It was a really nice way to spend an afternoon together.  We are truly lucky that we both think doing stuff like this qualifies as a good time.

After returning to life on the farm, we picked up where we left off with a feed run, mushroom and onion harvesting, pepper chopping for tomorrow's salsa making, and livestock and child night time routines.  We capped off the day by coming back together for an end-of-day beer and some shooting star and satellite gazing in our back yard.  We are at the tail end of the Perseid Meteor Shower and we were rewarded with a refreshingly cool evening breeze and plenty to marvel at in the starry night sky high above our little farm.

Today was one heck of a good day.  Thank you to everyone who came out to see and support us.  I wish more days could be like this one!

P.S. If you missed us at the market today, we are still happy to hook you up with the honey/maple syrup/wool/soap/garlic you desire but you will have to pick up here at the farm.  Even a loaf of bread could be an option but I need to really like you and be given a day's advanced notice, lol.

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