Monday 10 August 2020

Just a Pig Misbehavin'

 Things are chugging along here at Gael Glen Farm.  Charlie and Abbott got moved back in with the ewes and lambs this morning, now that the lambs are larger.  Charlie is not good around babies but once the lambs look like regular sheep, she can tolerate them and does not try to stomp them to death.  There was a big of chasing and biting at the outset but overall everyone stayed out of each other's way.  The goats and Ava are now on their own and seem happy not to have to share their paddock anymore.

This morning's CSA harvest went well and we continue to harvest and can our excess produce.  

Today's job was four jars of sweet carrots, and three jars of each of yellow beans, roasted carrot soup and mushroom soup.  

I am very excited that both Ian's shiitake patch and my wine cap mushroom patch have started producing again.

We also prepped cucumbers and zucchini for making sweet relish tomorrow.

While we were busy inside, the pigs were getting up to mischief outside when they were not trying to stuff themselves inside a kiddie pool, that is.  It is hard to believe that they both fit in a pool just weeks ago and now Hammy can only fit in one end at a time!  

They finally discovered my risk-loving squash and helped themselves to a huge bite.

They also killed a chicken and ate her feet.  Ew.  Now we have to figure out how to separate the birds and the pigs.  Ugh.

There is nothing to do but chalk it up to another day on the farm.  You never know what you are going to get around here!  It sure keeps life interesting.

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