Tuesday 20 March 2018

Scarfing Down Dust Bunnies

Spring cleaning might be someone's favourite activity but it is certainly not mine.  Sometimes though, it simply must be done.

Today I tackled the big three: underneath the fridge, behind the oven, and the kitchen garbage cupboard.  Fun, fun.

After pulling out the fridge and being completely grossed out, I went in search of my phone to take a photo for you.  I returned half a minute later to find Bella (Grandma Cora's dog) in the middle of the disgusting pile of fridge grime, scarfing down dust bunnies as fast as canine-ly possible.  While simultaneously gagging and shoeing her away, I completely forgot about taking a picture and tried to clean the floor as quickly as possible.  Seemingly unbothered, Bella trotted over to our front hallway and promptly threw up.  Luckily Ian was around and since he is of closer relation to Bella, I deemed him the more appropriate doggy vomit cleaner.  Whew.

Bella: "Yes, I did it.  I couldn't resist.  I know it is super gross.
But on the bright side, I feel much better after puking."
Under the fridge.  So clean.
Continuing our team work, Ian and I compromised on the state of the top of our fridge.

This is what it usually looks like.
We agreed to keep five egg cartons only up there and move the rest to the front hall closest.  The leaning tower of carton can now lean in peace behind our mirrored closet doors.

After the fridge fiasco, cleaning the oven and garbage cupboard seemed relatively uneventful.

Behind the oven.  So dirty.

How often can you look between your stove and cupboards and see no drips, grime, or filth?
I promise you this is a rare (though delightful) occurrence at our farm.
I also cleaned the coffee machine.

Coffee maker.  So shiny.
Organized my spice drawers.

 And hole punched and alphabetized our tower of recipes and filed them in a binder.  I still need to tackle behind the washing machine and dryer but that is a task for another day.  I think I have earned an afternoon cup of tea.

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