Wednesday 21 March 2018

A Booster Blunder

Don't call us to vaccinate your goat.  Seriously.

Together Ian and I can usually combine our talents to tackle most farm tasks, but it turns out that we are rather inept goat vaccinaters.

Martha: "Just a second here, am I a goat or a guinea pig?"
It all began a few weeks ago when our vet said casually, "Oh, and you'll have to give them a booster in three weeks."
Me: "Like a shot?"
Vet: "Yes, like a shot.  Do you need me to come out to do it?" Skeptical look.
Me: "Naw, of course not.  Ian and I can manage it." Trying to exude an air of confidence while thinking, "What the heck do we know about giving needles? Nothing, absolutely nothing."  I hoped it must be like most homesteading/farming activities - YouTube and practice makes perfect.

Fast forward to yesterday evening...Ian and I share a look of disbelief as we watch a fountain of vaccination shoot past the squirming pile of fur that is Martha and across the barn. Uh oh.

This morning I had to make the rather embarrassing phone call to the vet to admit our booster blunder and ask for a replacement vaccination.  Determined to get it right this time, I also asked for advice on how to hold the goat properly to administer the shot.  Upon my return home, I practised the hold on Martha and then called Ian out to deliver the shot.

Me: "I'll hold her still.  Just pinch the skin and put the shot right under the skin.  DO NOT MISS."
I swear that I had Martha as still as a statue when I hear, "Uh oh.  Missed."
Me: "WHAT?!  You missed?!  How could that happen?!"  (How easy it was to forget my miss from the night before.)  Sure enough, there was a pool of vaccine on the ground and not in Martha's butt where it should be.

It is now Ian's turn to call the vet tomorrow, admit our continued ineptitude, and ask for another replacement shot.  Please never ask us to vaccinate your goat.  We REALLY are not good at it.

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