Sunday 25 March 2018


During dinner tonight, Liam could not stay still.  Midway through a lap around the kitchen table, when he stopped at his plate to take a bite, Ian and I managed to get his attention and ask him what he was doing.  He looked directly at us and answered very seriously, "Multi-tasking."

While this was hilarious coming from a four year old, with all the things we do each day it is no wonder he has picked up the word.  For example, today we:

Did some transplanting and seed starting in the living room.
Made yogurt and decrystallized some old honey.
Started feeding our sourdough starter again
in anticipation of bread making later this week.
Made healthy peanut/almond butter balls.
Thank you for the recipe Auntie Skyla.
They were super easy to make with the boys (fun measuring and no baking)
and used up honey (which we have a ton of).
These will be great as after school snacks.
We played outside.
We also took naps, cleaned up the house, took care of the animals, read about a hundred books, played inside, watered the plants, did laundry, did crafts, ran errands, etc.....

I suppose we are rather good multi-taskers.  No wonder Liam knows the word.

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