Sunday 29 August 2021

Seamus the Destroyer

The phrase "that is why we can't have nice things" has never been truer here on Gael Glen Farm than it was today.  In just the past week Seamus has dissembled his bed frame to the point that it cannot be put back together, lost the TV controller and cracked the bottom of the laundry room sink.  Today he accidentally smashed the Roku remote into a dozen pieces.   If that wasn't enough, I stepped in a puddle of pee on our powder room floor deep enough to soak into the leg of my sweatpants and found dog poop on the carpet twice.  Twice!  Only one of these last two misadventures can be attributed to Seamus but they were both equally unpleasant.

Thank goodness tonight was date night so that at least we had one really good thing to happen today.  It was my turn to play chef so I chose a healthy, farm fresh Italian-inspired cuisine for our meal.  

Our very enthusiastic taste tester.

We started off with bite sized bruschetta made with oven-roasted Gael Glen farm garlic, our lemon boy tomatoes diced up really small and the last few leaves that were left after the Japanese beetles demolished our basil plant.

Our main course was kale Caesar salad with Greek yogurt dressing and homemade venison and goose meat lasagne made with eggplant, garlic, onions and sweet peppers from our garden.

I had a dessert planned too but we were so full after supper that we opted to save it for another day.  Instead we watched a date night movie - thank goodness we can control Netflix with our phones since the kids have now destroyed/lost both TV remotes.  What a day.  What a day.  At least our walking hurricane is now asleep so we can hopefully make it through the night without any further destruction.

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