Thursday 19 August 2021

Confident Kids

There was not much educational about today's "field trip" to the Brockville Aquatarium but boy, oh boy, did we have fun.  The boys liked seeing the otters get fed, petting the snail in the touch tank and watching a video about the formation of our solar system in the planetarium.  They loved getting soaked at the water tables, climbing the pirate ship play structure and balancing their way through the ropes course strung high above the aquatarium.  

They were too short to move their smart belays between lifelines so we worked as a team with them doing each section of the course and then me moving all our belays to the new lifelines before moving on.  The boys were so brave crossing swinging logs hung high in the air, balancing on wire cables and crossing a spar using the foot ropes strung at the bottom (just like I did when I used to sail tallships!).  

I was so impressed with their self-confidence.  Seamus, our risk-taking child, took the lead and worked through every section of the ropes course first.  He even fell off a swinging log, got caught by his harness and (with help) got back on the log and kept going.  Liam, our much more cautious child, followed his brother and also made it through every section successfully.  He admitted afterwards that sometimes he was a bit scared but I was too!  I followed along third and managed to keep up with my incredible boys.  

This was an amazing challenge for the three of us to face together and we all thoroughly enjoyed it.  Liam and Seamus were so excited after it was over.  They said that the ropes course was one of the best things they have ever done.  Yes!  Totally worth it.  

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