Monday 1 April 2019

April Fools'...Donkey Style

At first glace in the barnyard this evening I thought, "Oh no.  It's baaaack!"  That is Violet's bad case of diarrhea is back.  It seemed to be getting better following the vet's visit and the results of her blood test indicated that she does not have Johne's disease.  However, today I saw this....

Sheep poop is supposed to look like this...

However, upon closer inspection, I think Charlie the donkey is playing an April Fools' trick on me.  Usually donkey poop looks like this....

But I am pretty sure that what I found this afternoon is runny donkey poop strategically placed on top of sheep poop.  That Charlie! She sure is a trickster!

Speaking of poop, our treatment of Beemster the rooster's sore foot continues.  In addition to changing his bedding morning and night, I disinfect his sore with iodine twice a day and wash his feet with soap and warm water as needed.  Beemster is on oral antibiotics four times a day for seven days as well as antibiotic ointment twice a day until his foot heals up.  We are currently finishing day six of treatment.  His foot is looking more red than black now (I am hoping this is a good sign), though it is not yet healed up.  

Beemster's response to all this attention is to produce a copious amount of poop.  I mean, seriously?  How can one 4.4 lbs rooster produce so much crap?  He cannot heal up soon enough so I can rehome him back into the chicken coop with his flock mates.  I have had more than enough rooster poop for a very long time.

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