Sunday 19 September 2021

One Heck of a Busy Day

Sometimes when I sit back to review what we accomplished in a day, I am simply amazed that we got so much done.  Today was one of those days.

We started out by feeding the bees and then making a quadruple batch of Frank's-style hot sauce.  We used crimsons, cayennes and one habanero pepper.

We then moved on to applesauce (again).  We eventually got through all the apples and are 38 one litre jars of applesauce richer.  I have many, many days of delicious apple oatmeal ahead.

The boys prepared lunch for everyone today since Ian and I were busy canning.

After our living room picnic, Seamus headed back out to his lemonade stand.  He raked in $18 today.  Holy cow!  Once again I am very grateful to all those who stopped for him.  There is indeed something refreshingly wholesome about a kid and a lemonade stand but it really made Seamus' day to have people show an interest in his project.

Alistair napped again this afternoon and Ian did some van maintenance while keeping an eye on Seamus at the end of the driveway.  Meanwhile, Liam helped me by mucking out the sheep barn and then he worked on his slide presentation for school.  I mucked out the rest of the barns, topped up the chicken food and sheep and goat minerals, changed the fly strips, and scrubbed the algae out all the water buckets and duck pools.  I also maybe gave the chickens an extra special snack.  If your eggs have a hint of fresh watermelon flavour this week - you'll know why!

Dinner was our first try at Instant Pot lasagne (made with goose meat and homegrown eggplant, onion, garlic scapes and garlic bulbs) with kale Caesar salad on the side.  

After supper, Ian tried to get ahead of the ever present fruit flies by cleaning and stewing our latest batch of ripe tomatoes.  They are now warm and ready for canning tomorrow.

Holy bananas it was a busy day!  I am ready for a cup of tea, a hot bath and an early-ish bedtime.

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