Wednesday 22 September 2021

A Feast for the Senses

My body and soul are having trouble making the rather abrupt adjustment from being active all day long chasing after my three munchkins to sitting on my bum all day in front of a computer writing grant proposals, research papers, conference presentations and job applications.  I am sure that this sedentary working environment is something than many, many working adults must adjust to but today it just felt impossible.

And really, life is too short to force yourself to sit at a computer when you don't absolutely have to.  All my proposals and papers, presentations and applications will still be waiting for me tomorrow.  Today I gave myself permission to take a break.  Time by myself doing exactly what I want to do is a rare gift, indeed.

And so, even though it was raining - like really raining - I went hiking.  And yes, I got wet - like really wet.  Soaking through my underpants kind of wet.  But, in some ways being one with the rain was cathartic.  Tromping through a rain soaked forest is truly a feast for the senses - the pitter patter of rain off the leaves, the sloshing of your boots through the puddles, the drip, drip of raindrops off your nose.  I enjoyed cleansing breaths.  I wiped the rain splatter off my glasses.  It was invigorating.

I hiked over 20 km.  Some of it was marked trail, the rest was using GPS to follow so-called trails through the forest (these "trails" were more like beaver paths - drunk beaver paths).  I might have climbed over (two) fences.  

I looped back when my GPS trail said to cross the marsh.  Unless there is a very tempting prize awaiting me on the other side (think a double scoop ice cream cone or a tenure-track university professor position) I will not typically hike through a swamp when there is no clear bridge or trail going forward.

Time to turn around.

On the whole, it was a good day.  Did I apply for any jobs?  No.  Did I do any housework, laundry or cooking?  No.  Did I get totally and completely soaking wet?  Yes.  Are my legs aching?  Undoubtedly.  Was it worth it?  Absolutely every second.

The way I figure it, there is always tomorrow to be the perfect job applicant, housewife or afternoon snack maker.  You want my advice?  Give yourself permission to take whatever time you need to just be you in a place that makes you feel whole.  You will be better for it.

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