Friday 4 September 2020

Dinner & Dessert

It is a good day when one kid makes dinner and the other makes dessert.

After an epic herb harvest - we hung sage, lavender, lovage, thyme, apple mint and chocolate mint to dry - Seamus and Liam were eager to put our last batch of herbs to use.  

They crushed the leaves off the dried spearmint and parsley.

And made a huge mess on my just cleaned kitchen floor. 

Seamus then proposed making tomato sauce with parsley for supper.  He used his cherry tomatoes that he cleaned and froze last week, some leftover roasted tomatoes and mushrooms, and a handful of newly dried parsley leaves.

Not to be outdone, Liam decided to bake up mint chocolate chip cookies using our spearmint for dessert.

My contribution?  Bread.  And I cannot even take full credit for that because Liam measured out all the ingredients for it yesterday, the KitchenAid did the kneading, and the oven did the baking - really, I am just the middle (wo)man.

Meal preparation around here certainly is a team effort.  Now, if we could all pitch in with the floor cleaning then things would really be in good shape!

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