Monday 8 March 2021

Finding Motivation in an Inuksuk

In today's homeschooling lesson on the history of Newfoundland and Labrador, we learned how the Beothuk and Inuit people in Northern Labrador hunted caribou during their migration with the help of inuksuit.  After learning about this, the boys were very enthusiastic about finding an inuksuk themselves.  As luck would have it, there is one along Pete's Wicked Trail in the South March Highlands.  We just had to hike there to see it.

And so, thanks to this stone heap, my boys were totally invested in today's 9.5 km (3 hr) hike.  We successfully located the inuksuk and got some exercise in the process!  

Liam was our navigator.

Can you spot Seamus hiding out among the giant pines?

Our route

This hike was a record breaker for all of us.  It was the longest distance that I have ever rucked (hiking while carrying a 30 lb weight on my back in the form of one very happy Alistair).  It was Ali's longest hike to date and the second longest hike ever completed for both Seamus and Liam.  Yay for us and thank you to whomever built that inuksuk in the South March Highlands.  It provided the perfect motivation for this afternoon's adventure which really made today's homeschooling history lesson come alive.

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