Saturday 6 February 2021

Shirley's Bay Saturday

We spent this beautiful but very windy Saturday afternoon at Shirley's Bay.  The big boys were given the choice of two activities: hiking with Mama or fishing with Daddy.  Seamus chose fishing but really, this meant playing in the snow outside of Daddy's fishing hut.

Liam chose to hike with Mama and Alistair.  We did a 7.25 km (2 hr) loop starting and ending from the Shirley's Bay parking lot.  Liam was as good as gold and did not complain even one time despite this being his longest hike yet.

Always the rule breaker, Alistair opted for the third option: napping.  Strapped securely in his baby carrier, Ali snoozed (and snored!) happily for the first half of our hike while I toted him along in the sunshine. 

Upon waking, Alistair decided that his mittens were superfluous and refused to keep them on.  I can attest to the fact that it is very challenging to replace an unwilling child's mittens repeatedly when they are strapped on your back in a baby carrier.  Eventually, Alistair decided that his hands were cold but instead of keeping his mittens on, he fought to get them untucked and off yet again and then wailed inconsolably for the last 0.5 km of the hike.  I can also attest to the fact that it sucks to have a baby wail in your ear for the last 0.5 km of a 7 km hike because they refuse to keep their mittens on.  Once we got Alistair into the warm car, he ripped his hats off as well and then was immediately back to being happy as a clam.

Instead of opting to stay in the warm car with Ali and me, Liam was adamant that he wanted to switch places with Seamus.  And so, Seamus and Alistair came home with me while Liam and Daddy stayed out with the intent of night fishing.  Unfortunately, things went off the rails once Liam got cold; like Alistair he became an inconsolable crying machine.  I suppose when cold hands are involved the difference between a 7 year old and a 2 year old becomes negligible.  Ian called off his night fish just after dusk and he and Liam headed home to warm up.

What a seriously busy day!  I think we are all in agreement that a Sunday of relaxation here at home is in order.  Besides, Liam is planning our Superbowl Party this year and he and I have lots of dinner prep to do - he promises that it will be epic!

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