Monday 22 February 2021

Negotiating a Day of Seamus

I predict that my middle child is going to grow up to be a negotiator of some sort.  Mark my words.

With Liam getting to spend some time fishing with Daddy, Seamus is "stuck" at home with Mama and the baby.  As such, Seamus declared today that it is only fair that he should get to choose today's activities to make it an extra special day for him.  Well, who can argue with that?!  I did stipulate that home schooling time was non-negotiable, but after that he could plan the day.

And this is how I found myself tobogganing, eating pizza (for the second time in a week!) and milkshakes for supper, and watching a Spiderman movie.  Could you say "no" to a face like this?  Obviously, I couldn't.  I got nothing on my to do list accomplished today but Seamus had the best afternoon.

So snowy and so, so happy.

My extra adorable negotiator.

Seamus took Ali for his first ride of the day down the hill.
After that, Ali was all "I do" and insisted on going down solo.

Ali: "I think I can.  I think I can. I think I can."  The whole way up the hill.
I bet you can guess what train book we have been reading lately.

Does the salad make the pizza any healthier?
Debatable, certainly.

Pot 'O Gold Milkshakes.
I made the "healthy" version (if that is a thing).  I replaced the ice cream with homemade ice milk (made with half the amount of sweetener).  I used our homemade maple syrup instead of white sugar.  I used left over Lucky Charms cereal from the cottage and blended it all up into a milk shake.
It really was delicious.

Seamus looks so tired but swore that he
was definitely not too tired to watch Spiderman.
And so we did.  He enjoyed every second of it.
I hope he sleeps in tomorrow!

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