Monday 16 April 2018

What is Going On Out There?

Upon waking up this morning, I was curious about the weather.  Too bad the old tried and true method of looking out the window failed.

Somewhat reluctantly, I headed out to open the barn doors and check on the animals.  The sheep came bounding out as per usual.  After 2 seconds of slipping around on the ice covered ground, they decided that the freezing rain was not to their liking and hightailed it back into the barn.  They have not ventured out since.

Everything was ice covered.

Mother Nature was so meticulous as to wrap each individual blade of grass in an icy sheath.

Sadly our blue hoop garden could not bear the weight of the ice sheet stuck to it and had collapsed.  I removed all the ice and ascertained that this is not a tragedy.  It is definitely fixable - just not today.

As I slipped and slid my way back to the house, I thought, "At least the power hasn't gone out."  This had no sooner crossed my mind then I heard the dreaded, "Cha...cha...wah...." of the power going out, followed by the lovely "Brah, brah, brah, hum...." of our generator starting up.  Ah, it is moments like these that I love that machine.

Our trusty generator saves the day!
Our baby plants are doomed to spend the day in darkness but at least we are all warm and cozy inside while the winter weather rageons .

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