Tuesday 3 April 2018

Muddy Measurements

One of my resolutions for the coming year is to learn how to use power tools like drills and saws.  This has never been something of interest to me before, but with so much more time to spend working on the farmstead than Ian, I find myself getting impatient waiting for him to have the time to build me things that I think are reasonable projects for me to build myself.

My first of such projects is to build a new chicken cabana.  We inherited one when we bought the farm but over the past decade it has fallen into disrepair and begun to rot.  Now with Martha and Mellie jumping on top of it as part of their daily exercise routine, it has just become dangerous.  I am eager to avoid coming out to the farmyard to find crushed chickens when it finally collapses.

As such, today my job was to measure the existing dilapidated chicken cabana so I can get the materials I need to build a new one.  Meanwhile, Seamus decided that today was the day to mow the chicken run.

Normally, this would be a good way to keep him occupied while I work on other things but the run is currently an enormous puddle full of thick, sludgy, stinky mud.  Seamus was not the least bit concerned about this, until...

His entire outfit (even his underwear) was soaked with watered down manure mud.  So gross.  At least he helped me put everything in the laundry and seemed tired out by the whole affair.  He is now napping and I can go finish my measuring.  What a morning!

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