Tuesday 15 June 2021

Tadpole Treats

There are lots of cool things going on in our ornamental gardens right now.  We have heaps of beautiful flowers currently in bloom: from peonies and pansies to poppies and petunias.  There is definitely a lot to see and smell here on Gael Glen Farm!

There is also a lot going on in our pond; the most interesting of which is the million tadpoles that are currently in residence.

Some of the larger tadpoles have just recently sprouted arms and legs in addition to their tail.  Unfortunately, we are not the only ones enjoying the new tadpoles.  I bumped into a garter snake enjoying my tea garden yesterday.  I suspect that his tea party might have had some tadpole treats on the menu.  Ew!  I object to both the eating of my tadpoles and the surprise of finding a serpent loitering around my tea garden.  This needs to be a snake free zone.  I should post a sign.

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