Sunday 13 June 2021

Kindness Brightened our Sunday

We spent today mowing, mulching and painting.  It was hard work but otherwise not very remarkable. 

What was remarkable, however, was the kindness of our neighbours.  Their generosity was such a bright spot in our day that it is worthy of mentioning along with a few sincere thank yous.

Thank you to Nancy and Kim for allowing us, once again, to pillage their mulch mountain.  Our front garden beds (which used to house our huge cedar bushes) look much improved with their new layer of mulch.

Thank you to Isabel and George for lending us the fine grain sandpaper we needed to finish sanding our porch railings before painting them.

Thank you to Mike and Carla for the delivery of fresh rhubarb stalks.  I was just lamenting the less than inspiring state of my rhubarb patch (despite all the TLC that I am showering upon it, I might add).  Thanks to their delicious drop off, I am thrilled to be able to make some rhubarb-centric treats during tomorrow's (hopefully) very rainy day.

We feel beyond lucky to be the recipients of such kindness from our neighbours today.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

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