Thursday 17 June 2021

Goats are Weirdos

We are still behind in our garden maintenance duties, but at least we are doing better than our goats. The goats' paddock is now so long that the grass is going to seed.  The goats are not trying very hard at all to keep it mowed.  In fact, they would rather prance around on their hind legs stretching to eat the leaves off the bottoms of trees than munch on any of their plentiful and very easily accessible grass.  

Unlike the goats, we are not ignoring our overgrown landscape.  We continued to work on vegetable gardening today shifting our focus to the chicken coop garden.  It is a mess - a garden full of prickly plants and heaps of weeds of all sorts.

Yes, this is actually a garden of rows of garlic, potatoes and vegetables.
I know you can't tell.


 After an hour or so of weeding, Liam and I managed to at least find the rows of vegetables.

We still have a long way to go - the potatoes and garlic need some major attention - but at least we are better landscapers than our goats.  Goats are weirdos.

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