Monday 26 October 2020

Churning Out the Slaw

Our humans thought that today's weather was pretty icky but the gardens and farm animals did not seem too bothered by the flurries and cold rain.  

Our autumn garden is producing so much cabbage, broccoli, lettuce and arugula that we are having trouble keeping up in the eating department.

This morning before the snow started, we harvested five huge heads of cabbage.  The plan was to make and freeze some coleslaw (which we did) but three cabbages in I decided that we had enough slaw for the storage containers I had available.  Now I have two gorgeous cabbages left in the fridge needing to be eaten.  Send recipes!

We also finally managed to cut up and cook the last of our unripened squash.  We have a bunch steamed for soup or curry tomorrow and I roasted up with rest with some salt, pepper and thyme for a side with dinner.

Dinner was lemon chicken pasta with wilted arugula from the garden.  

It was a hit!  Our farm raised chicken is so tender and delicious!

After a busy day indoors, I am back to thinking about the garden and what we can use next.  Tomorrow's harvest will be a huge head of broccoli and a big bunch of parsley - I am thinking salads for lunch...

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