Saturday 18 April 2020

More of a Tango than a Beeline

Today was one of those days where you do not stop walking even though it is not always in the right direction.

After breakfast, we delved straight into a family whirlwind of house cleaning.  A spotless house is soothing for the soul.  One step forward.

We caught another rat.  Zero steps because even though we caught one, there are still more.  Boo.

Ian chainsawed down some trees and branches that did not survive the winter.  One step forward.

We cannot burn anything because of the total burn ban so there are now even more piles of scrap wood laying around the farm than there were before.  One step back.

Charlie had her appointment with the farrier.  She got a significant hoof reduction and is already walking better and venturing further from the barn.  This is a weight lifted off me.  Two steps forward.

Martha and Mellie got milked and none got spilled.  One step forward.

Seamus had an epic temper tantrum because I vetoed his plan to refill Daddy's (already full) water bottle from the outdoor tap used for the livestock.  One step back.

Ian and Liam worked on building the Swine Shed and got the foundation done.  One step forward.

The chickens got loose and scratched up all my planted gardens that were not covered with hoop covers.  Sigh.  Ian split his comfiest pants trying to round them up for me.  Two steps back.

Alistair wore real boots and walked outside on the grass for the first time.  One (wobbly) step forward.

I picked up our online grocery order and two large bags of flour from a friend.  Yippee!  We are all set to hunker down for another few weeks and I can stop worrying about not being able to make our daily bread.  Another step forward.

Final tally: 4 steps forward.  Today's progress was more of a tango than a beeline but I suppose that as long as we are still dancing together as a family, everything is gonna be all right.

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