Friday 17 April 2020

Acknowledging the "Suck" and Moving On

Everyone here on Gael Glen Farm was feeling a bit out of sorts today.  

Mellie and Abbott were both feeling particularly ornery and freely allocated head butts to their barn mates, even the smaller and pregnant ones.  

Liam accidentally locked himself in the goat barn while playing with the goat kids.  He did not take to being in "goat jail" well and it put a bit of a damper on his day even though Mama rescued him almost immediately.

Ian has had a challenging week at work and found himself working well into the night tonight.  

Charlie's hooves are bothering her and she desperately needs a post-winter visit from a farrier.  Unfortunately, after waiting several weeks for our usual farrier to return my messages, it turns out that he is unwilling to visit us over concerns regarding social distancing.  After being quite sad about this for several days, I was beyond lucky to be able to get in touch with our back up farrier who agreed to treat Charlie tomorrow during a break in her schedule.  I think the status as our "usual" farrier has just changed hands.  I hope that Charlie will be back to her usual self soon after having her hooves cleaned and trimmed.

I found myself annoyed about several different things today.  Everything from the fact that we are still catching rats at the consistent rate of one rat per night (how many freaking rats are there living under our chicken coop?!!) to all the stores being out of all purpose flour and Alistair's size of diapers to running out of popsicle sticks (which I use as plant markers) and being unable to simply run out to the store to buy some.  These issues, while all minor, seemed especially aggravating to me today.  

Most of it worked out in the end.  I was able to source flour through a bakery friend and another friend offered me old blinds which I can cut up and use as plant markers.  And I was able to add a box of diapers one size larger to my grocery store order scheduled for pick up tomorrow evening.  That will do.  I have no words for the ongoing rat problem except for "cellulose from powdered corn cobs"; desperate times call for desperate measures.

Sometimes just the act of admitting that certain things suck about how the world is right now is enough to help one move on and focus on the things that are good and the people who are kind in our lives.  Like our neighbours, who called to ask if there was anything I wanted them to pick up for us during their trip to grocery store; how very considerate.  

I am so grateful to be surrounded by "good" and "kind" that the occasional "suck" is not so very difficult to move beyond - even on days like today.

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