Wednesday 20 December 2017

The Perfect Pair: Honey and Beer

Today we paid a visit to Crooked Mile Brewery in Almonte.

Not only is our delicious honey for sale in their tasting room...

See it there? Middle left.
...but we got to sample beer made with our honey! How exciting. You really feel like you are moving up in the world when your farm's produce is being used to make something as delicious as craft beer.

It is a spiced ale that is called Midwinter Warmer. The brewers describe it as a "beautiful auburn ale [that] has notes of citrus and cinnamon on the nose. You taste sweet citrus and dark bread, followed by cinnamon and ginger with a mild heat". Best of all it was made with several jars of our very own honey! Divine.

Seamus was fascinated by the goings on in the brewery. Are we surprised? He is his father's son. Now he is torn between wanting to be a dump truck driver, a mail delivery man, or a brewer when he grows up.

Life is full of possibilities. And good beer!

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