Thursday 14 December 2017

Grain Snack Chaos

Some of us are enjoying the winter weather...

...while the rest of us are just cold.  All of the animals refused to come out of their barns this morning because it was so cold (-22 degrees C). 

Outside the chicken coop.  Deserted.

Inside the chicken coop.  So here is where the party is at!
We had to bring Charlie and the sheep a bucket of grain to entice them to come outside.

Abbott's head is completely inside the grain bucket. 
Luckily Charlie is patient enough to wait her turn for a grain snack.
We then figured it was only fair to give the chickens and ducks a grain snack too.  Much to Seamus' delight, this caused chaos in the coop.

Here's to hoping it warms up soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! It is cold here at the lot too! Only animals that have ventured outside (other than Dad, Annabelle and me) are the bluejays and the woodpecker! Glad to see the boys are having outdoor fun!
