Monday 4 December 2017

Some Christmas Cooking and Cleaning

After the excitement of meeting Santa Claus in Merrickville this past weekend, the boys are even more eager to prepare for the upcoming holidays.

This morning we did our big grocery shop to get ready for Christmas baking.  Putting away all the baking supplies (and finding duplicates) precipitated a pantry clean up.  This is one of those things that always gets put on the back burner but really does need to be done every once and a while.  While organizing, I created an inventory in Google Docs so we can try to keep better track of what we have and what we need.  Exciting stuff, I know.  Such is the beauty of being at home. Ah, I love it!

Whoa, right?  Looks so good.
 After his nap, Seamus and I started our Christmas baking with a classic (and his favourite) - ginger molasses cookies.

With a dozen of these bad boys now safely stored away in the deep freeze, we can move on to other delicious confections - GG's butter tarts anyone?


  1. Are these available for shipping?

  2. haha - no, these are for Santa. But we are thinking of including some baked goods (homemade bread, cookies, scones) in our CSA baskets in the summer/fall of 2018. These might be a good candidate.
