Saturday 30 November 2019

Adstock Addition

Our new herd sire, Adstock, is settling in to life here on Gael Glen Farm.  He was a trooper during transit home, only pooping once in his large dog crate in the back of the van.

Adstock, thusly named because he hails originally from Cottage Craft farm in Adstock, Quebec, is a very calm ram.  I am looking to breed for disposition this time around so he is a perfect choice.

We gave Adstock some alone time in the barn, well stocked with fresh hay and water, before allowing him to make the acquaintance of his new, albeit temporary, flock.  Our sheep were very excited to meet the new guy. 

Charlie was not so sure.  She gave Adstock a couple good donkey kicks and a solid chase around the paddock.  Poor guy - what a welcome.

Everything seems to have settled down in the barnyard now that everyone is more used to each other.

Adstock has staked claim to the barn during the day, while the others are happy to chill outside.  Luckily there are hay feeders in both places!  They have also all been amenable to going into the barn together at night time.  I have been careful to let them out early in the morning so Charlie and Adstock do not cause a ruckus being cooped up in close quarters during daylight hours.  So far, so good. 

Now we wait for the "ram effect" to take effect and cause Violet and Molly to go into heat.  Then the fun really begins!

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