Friday 27 September 2019

Bottling Sunshine

I love the idea of using the things that grow on our farm in new and unusual ways - especially edible ways.  Last year we made Dandelion jelly.  Earlier this summer we experimented with Queen Anne's Lace jelly.  As it turns out, I missed the boat on lilac and peony jelly (both sound delicious!) but you can bet that these are on my to do list for next spring. 

Today I tried my hand at making sunflower jelly.  I have not forgotten that we have close to 50 jars of jellies of all types currently sitting in our pantry but I just could not help myself.  Sunflowers are so beautiful and I could just imagine the joy of popping open a jar of bottled sunshine on a cold, icy winter day.

A big "Thank You" to my bff Tanya for the gorgeous handmade pot holders. 
I love them! 
They match both my kitchen and my jelly.
Recipe: Gael Glen Farm's Sunflower Jelly

5 cups of sunflower petals
2.5 cups boiling water
1/4 cup lemon juice
3.5 cups sugar

Pick lots and lots of sunflower petals.

Pour boiling water over the petals and let them steep for several hours.  Strain.

Pour the sunflower tea and lemon juice into pot and add sugar.  Bring to a full rolling boil for 1 minute.  Remove from heat and add two packages of liquid pectin.  Stir.

Ladle into prepared jars and process in a water bath canner for 5 minutes.

Easy peasey lemon squeezy, as Seamus would say.  This left us with lots of time for other activities like: taking advantage of the beautiful sunshine and fall breeze to dry our clothes outside 

Guess who finally got home!
(Ali apparently does not find hanging laundry as relaxing as I do),

grating and freezing zucchini for winter baking,

hunting for wild mushrooms (just for fun, not for eating), 

making deer chilli on top of homegrown potatoes topped with goat cheese for supper, 

and baking mint chocolate chip smile cookies for Liam and Seamus to celebrate the weekend!

We certainly had a colourful day here on Gael Glen Farm.  Have a great weekend everyone.  Hope to see you at the Carp Fair!

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