Friday 6 September 2019

Winter is Coming

It is another gorgeous day here on Gael Glen Farm. The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing and it is a very pleasant 23 degrees Celcius; pretty much perfect weather for a gigantic vegetable harvest. And what luck - it is CSA basket harvesting day!

This week's basket includes: swiss chard, flat leaf and curly parsley, carrots, jalapeƱos, yellow wax peppers, sweet chocolate peppers, a thai dragon pepper, a red cabbage, tomatoes, a few cucamelons, small cucumbers, peas, yellow beans, daikon radishes, two or three red radishes, sweet basil, green leaf lettuce, spinach, kale, a sweet walla walla onion, red onions, oregano, sage, lavender, summer savory, garlic chives, apples, miniature pears, potatoes, turnips, baby beets, and a dozen farm fresh eggs.

This week’s bonus item is Ian's homemade hot sauce.

Even Mellie got to partake in the bounty today.  She made herself a pea beard so she did not have to share her treats with the other goats.

It may be lovely out today but I am well aware that winter is coming.  I know I might sound a bit GoT but it is true!  Before we know it, we will be back to growing cold tolerant vegetables until the snow flies.  In the meantime, I am very appreciative of these last few bountiful end of summer harvests. 

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