Tuesday 3 September 2019

Productive Planting & Tortilla Pressing

Today was a much more productive day than yesterday.  I still dealt with an enormous number of snack requests but had significantly less laundry and zero refereeing (between humans anyway).

After breakfast we helped get some honey and beeswax ready to be dropped off to customers.  The honey is moving quickly and we are already all sold out of beeswax!

Alistair had a very long morning nap so Seamus and I were finally able to get to our fall planting and harvesting.

Seamus started out picking crab apples for jelly but got bored quickly when he found out that I was focused on other things.

Ew! Sour!
Instead of apple picking, we got seeds into all the empty spots in the garden and ended up sowing a good quantity of olympia spinach, red, green and endive lettuces and breakfast and cherry belle radishes.  We also watered and did some weeding around our fall carrots and beets.

After his epic morning snooze, there was no way Ali was sleeping in the afternoon so we let Seamus have a rest while we worked on training Ava.  Ali and I spent an hour supervising her with the baby goats.  The kids are extremely bouncy which gets Ava all riled up resulting in her chasing them and trying to nip their ears.  Getting them to co-exist peacefully in the same space is going to be a work in progress.

Dinner tonight was back up to my standards.  We had turkey tacos with homemade taco spice mix, homemade corn tortillas, garden tomatoes and lettuce, homemade salsa and store bought cheese and sour cream.  The boys loved helping me make the tortillas and they devoured dinner.

The boys were happy to be my "tortilla press".

I still did not get to my Cowboy Candy but maybe tomorrow will be the day.

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