Wednesday 12 June 2019

Lovin' Lavender...Maybe?

Our day culminated with honey lavender ice cream.  However, it took us a while to get there.

Continuing our quest to eat off the farm, today's lunch included: daikon and clover microgreens, lettuce, garlic chives, scallions and homemade bread.

All fuelled up, we harvested lavender from the garden and combined it with our wild flower honey and some store bought milk and cream (I cannot wait until we have goat milk on the farm!) to make a batch of homemade honey lavender ice cream.

Feeling inspired by the honey and lavender combination, I decided that I might like to include homemade honey lavender yogurt as the bonus item in our CSA basket this week.  We got to work...

Yogurt making is a lengthy process so we ate dinner in between.  We had grilled deer chops, asparagus and a delicious salad made from the most beautiful head of red lettuce in the garden.

I actually planted this lettuce last august and it is finally ready to eat!  Talk about being in for the long haul.

I remembered to add radishes this time!

Instead of salad dressing we topped it with sprinkle of brown sugar and a drizzle of white vinegar - a trick I learned from GG.

Amazing, you say?  Well, the boys hated it.  This was not a winner in the kid department.  They also detested the ice cream.  Apparently to them, lavender tastes like stinky soap smells.  Ian's verdict on the ice cream: "It is good...sort of."  Hopefully the honey-lavender favour profile is more popular with our CSA families that it was with mine.

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