Monday 7 May 2018

A Huge Dump

I was on a roll.  I had all the laundry done, the animal chores complete, the house clean, the gardens weeded, and Seamus down for a nap by 12:30 pm.  I was so productive this morning that I had the fleeting (and clearly ridiculous) thought that I might spend the hour or two during nap time reading a book on the back deck in the afternoon sun.

However, I knew this was not to be as I heard the rumble of a huge dump truck coming down our street.  Sure enough, my fifteen cubic yards of triple mix was here.  I placed the order for this on the day of the ice storm a few weeks ago in a desperate move to encourage spring to come.  I have been waiting ever since and today my dirt finally arrived.

A huge dump truck.

Our giant pile of triple mix.
Needless to say, nap time was spent, not reading, but hauling ten wheelbarrows full of triple mix from the front to the back yard.  I filled two pallet gardens.

Better get started.
I was excited for Liam to come home from school.  I needed the help and thank goodness he was thrilled about moving dirt.  My boys are amazing!  Together we moved four more barrows full and filled up the last pallet garden.

Finally some help.

They jumped right in!
On tomorrow's agenda is filling up all the pepper and pea pots.  Then, the rest of the triple mix will need to be hauled to the main garden.

Can you see the dent we made in pile?  No? Me neither.
I am not getting depressed about it, but today's fourteen wheelbarrow loads did not even make a dent in the pile.  I have a least a 100 more to go.  At least.  Not exaggerating.  I might need to call in reinforcements.  Anyone interested in skipping the gym and helping me haul dirt instead?  It is a fantastic work out!  We have free beer.  I'll bake you a pie.  Any takers?  Anyone?  Seriously....

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