Monday 20 August 2018

Musical Livestock

The night we arrived home from vacation, I went to put the animals to bed and noticed that Abbott was chillin' with the ladies.  He is supposed to be in the neighbouring paddock keeping Charlie company during her segregation from the lambs.  He was clearly not.  It was late and I was tired so I shrugged it off and allowed him the luxury of sleeping in the barn with the ewes and lambs.

The next morning, I separated Abbott from the other sheep.  He seemed more than happy to be reunited with Charlie and munch on the oats they typically share for breakfast in the far paddock.

Yet, that evening, when I put the animals to bed - there was Abbott in with the ewes again!  I decided that he must be pushing the gate open and squeezing through the bottom so I moved the bungie cord that holds the gate shut lower in an effort to block his escape route.  Smart farmer, right?  Well, clearly my sheep is smarter than me.

Tonight at bed time I was greeted not only by Abbott in the sheep pen but also by Martha and Mellie, the goats!  It was a barn party in the sheep paddock and poor Charlie's invitation must have got lost in the mail.  She was woefully stuck in the neighbouring paddock while the rest of the livestock was having a grand old time.  I guess that is what happens when you are caught stomping on lambs.  Nobody likes a lamb stomper.  It looks like I have some fence inspecting to do tomorrow and some breaches to fix if I am going to put an end to this expanding game of musical livestock.  Party pooper - yes, I know.

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