Wednesday 8 August 2018

Gael Glen Farm and the Three Little Munchkins

Our family is growing.  It is not a new goat, sheep, chicken, or even donkey, though those are all reasonable guesses.  We are expecting another brother for Liam and Seamus - one of the human variety!  Our new baby currently weighs 0.4 lbs and is approximately the size of a turnip (though maybe not one of the massive turnips we grow here on the farm).  At 17 weeks gestation, he has a solid heart beat of 150 bpm.  We are preparing for his arrival in January 2019.  So far this new munchkin is healthy and growing as expected.

16.5 weeks

14 weeks

12 weeks

9 weeks
Liam's reaction to the pregnancy news was priceless.  At first he was so excited and proclaimed that he would do everything to take care of the new baby himself, including changing his diapers.  He was a bit worried that this would leave Mama with nothing to do.  To a mama who is currently run off her feet with two boys I assured him that this plan sounded great to me.  However, after some careful consideration, Liam asked if instead of getting a new brother, could we please send the new baby back to where he came from and while we were at it, send Seamus back too.  Liam had apparently decided that it would be in his best interest to be an only child as opposed to being one of three brothers.  He looked doubtful when I explained to him that this was not how things work and that nobody could be "sent back".

We are thrilled to finally announce this amazing news.  Thank you in advance for all of your well wishes and continued support as we to do the hard work of growing a healthy and happy family of humans, insects, and animals here on Gael Glen Farm.