Sunday 24 May 2020

The Post Game Review

There is nothing like a 15 hour work day to make your Sunday whizz by in a flash.
What did we get up to, you ask?

Baking two loaves of bread.
Making bread dough for tomorrow.
Watering all nine vegetable gardens as well as the mushroom, strawberry, blackberry, raspberry, rhubarb and fern patches.

Morning animal chores including milking the goats.

Cleaning out the turkey trailer.

The turkeys had some sunshine time while I mucked out their home.
Facilitating the adoption of Duke, Bishop and Autumn.

Bye bye my lovelies. 
This trio is off to their new farm in Renfrew.
Mucking out the goat kids' stall.
Wheelbarrowing the straw bales from the front yard to the back yard.

Filling the stall with straw bales.
Wheelbarrowing triple mix from the driveway to the back yard.

Filling all the pepper pots with said triple mix.

Planting all the peppers.

Wheelbarrowing triple mix from the driveway to the kitchen garden.
Adding said triple mix to the garlic patch.

Transplanting cabbages to replace the ones Molly ate yesterday when she and the lambs escaped.
Transplanting some hardened off herbs.
Direct sowing some replacement cucumbers and zucchini.
Planting rows of lettuce, basil, spinach, sorrel, caraway and nasturtiums.

Watering all the transplants.
Evening animal chores including milking Martha again and taping Mellie's teats to stop Luna and Percy from nursing overnight since our four remaining goats will now be sharing a sleeping space.

Preparing this morning's bread dough for its overnight rise.

Not to mention, keeping the kids and inside pets alive.  Now, I did have help (in no way is this a one woman show), Ian did brew a batch of beer concurrently with all of the above, and Ali did have an epic nap.  Nonetheless, it was a very busy and productive day.

In between all this I managed to take a moment to appreciate the apple blossoms.  They are in full bloom right now and all the neighbourhood bees think they are spectacular.  Yes, it sounds like my tree is "mahh-ing" in the video but it was really buzzing if you can manage to tune out the sounds of the hungry goats calling for their supper.

And so, here I am - filthy, coated in several layers of sunscreen and bug spray, and bone tired.  I am beyond ready to crawl into my nice, cosy bed.  Good night and good luck from all of us here on Gael Glen Farm.

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