Tuesday 5 May 2020

Be Careful What You Wish For

Finally a day that had equal parts good and bad.  What a relief!

Good: the animal chores were uneventful.

Bad: I had to (gently) chase Violet around the barnyard twice and crawl on all fours under the pine trees to catch her because she and Poppy refused to go into the barn at bedtime.

Good: Violet is still eating, drinking, standing and nursing Poppy.

Bad: Violet is obviously in pain and is less attentive to Poppy than usual.

Good: She was much less aggressive today to Molly and the twins than she was prior to the attack.

Bad: I accidentally stabbed myself in the thumb with a hypodermic needle when cleaning Violet's wounds.

Good: the needle was right out of the sterile packaging so I have not given myself some sort of disease.

Good: I remembered to slather sunscreen on the boys this afternoon before outside playtime.

Bad: Seamus had an allergic reaction to the sunscreen and now has a terrible rash all over his face.

Good: the Benadryl I gave Seamus had him sound asleep by 5 pm.

Bad: my kids have quarantine fatigue and were very uncooperative today on all fronts.

Good: my turkeys and ducks have started the hatching process.  It is impossible not to be excited about hatching chicks...even if you are feeling generally uncooperative and whiny.

Today I lived a very balanced life.  Be careful what you wish for.

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