Monday 15 October 2018

When a Nap Evades You

I woke up this morning with a sore throat and a mild fever.  With a longing look at my comfy bed, I willed myself out of it and counted myself lucky that I was the only one feeling ill.  I dragged myself through the morning of getting Liam off to school, the animals' morning routine, meal prep, and entertaining a healthy and energetic Seamus.

I was just finishing the final tuck for Seamus' nap when Ian stuck his head in the room to inform me that Liam's school had called.  As fate would have it, Liam had presented with a fever and sore throat and needed to be picked up.  After a slightly longer longing look at my bed, I scooted down to Liam's school to bring back a sick looking little boy.

I apple juiced and jammied Liam up and got him to sleep.  I had made one tiny tip toe towards my own bed when Seamus woke up - ready to play!  My longing look at my bed may have been accompanied by a small sob this time.

I managed to keep Seamus occupied and somewhat quiet until Liam woke at 4 pm.  I then admitted defeat and sat them in front of the TV for an hour while I made dinner.  Then it was Papa and Seamus off to ice skating class, Liam off to bath and bed, and the animals' night time routine.  Now, Ian is putting the finishing touches on Seamus' bedtime, I am typing this and my feet are once again inching towards my bed.

Here's hoping for 10 hours of mostly uninterrupted sleep and maybe, just maybe, I will wake up tomorrow feeling healthy.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are both feeling better today (Tuesday)!
