Wednesday 21 February 2018

A Date with the Laundry Tub

As you know, we have goats.  They look like goats, act like goats, and smell like goats.  We also have dogs.  They look like dogs, act like dogs, and smell like goats.  It is noticeable.  It is pungent.  It is a problem.  Especially when they jump on the chesterfield to sleep on the throw pillows or crawl into bed with us and try to snuggle under the blankets.  Just ew.

This morning Seamus and I decided that enough was enough; something had to be done.  Our solution: Charlotte and Emily were given a date with the laundry tub.

Soapy and grumpy.
Loving it.
Mama's best helper.
 Lots of soap, water, and giggles later, we had two sopping wet schnauzers that smelled like flowers instead of stink bombs.  Neither dog was particularly pleased about being towel dried: "Why can't we just shake?"

Charlotte: "Seriously?!"

Emily: "This bath stinks!"
Charlotte was so exhausted by the bath that she immediately went for a nap.

Emily, on the other hand, performed her usual post-bath ritual.  I recorded it for your viewing pleasure.

Next, some eye brow, beard, and nail trimming...

Helping Mama sweep up.

Ian the animal manicurist makes another appearance.
I am happy to report that Charlotte and Emily now pass the sniff test - they no longer smell like goats.  Victory!  Until the next time they go outside.  Small victory?

Charlotte: "There better be a treat after all now.
Not another picture, a treat!  Treat?  Now?"

Emily: "I am still so grumpy but I know you love me anyway."

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