Monday 27 November 2017

A Pedicure for a Cantankerous Equus Asinus

It has been quite the day for the matriarch of a family under siege by the stomach flu.  It is 5:30pm and my entire household (except me) is asleep after a puke-filled day (following an equally puke-filled night). Liam is in recovery, Seamus has finally stopped his every 20 minutes throw-up-a-thon, and Ian has just started heaving.  Lovely, I know.

All this to say, that it entirely slipped my mind that our farrier was coming by today for Charlie's spa appointment.  While most ladies would enjoy the pampering, Charlie hates it.  She is usually such a mild-tempered beast but, as I explained to the farrier today (like many times before), I can't understand it - he is such a nice man but he just seems to bring out the worst in Charlie.

Ears back is never a good sign.
 For Charlie, this means "I'm feeling crotchety!"
Usually Charlie just ties to escape the hoof trimming by dragging me around the farm yard by her lead.  Even though she is a miniature, she weighs close to 400 lbs.  When she does not want to stand still, it is a challenge to make her.  For whatever reason; though, today Charlie was particularly ornery.

adjective: ornery
  1. bad-tempered and combative.

    "some hogs are just mean and ornery"

Seriously bad-tempered and combative pretty much sums her up during our visit with the farrier.  Charlie tried to run away, kick him, lie down, and stomp on my foot, repeatedly.  I would have taken a picture, but as you can imagine, I was busy trying to hold her down while simultaneously apologizing for her outrageous, disgraceful behaviour (as Mama Bear from the Bernstein Bears would have described it).

Discarded hoof clippings.
All trimmed up.

She (and the farrier) seemed much happier after the whole escapade was over.  What a day!

Ear position indicates, "I'm happy it's over."
She's even giving me a donkey smile.
What a rascal!

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