Thursday 6 May 2021

Light as a Feather

With Alistair opting to spend the day with Grandma, the big boys and I took off on another hiking adventure.  We returned to Gould Lake Conservation area, this time to try out the other side of the lake.  We did a bunch of hiking, most right along the shoreline over rocks and roots.  The boys thought this was great fun and thankfully no one ended up in the lake!

We hiked the Mica Loop Trail hoping to see the McClatchey Mine, apparently located between Gould Lake and Blue Lake.  From what I have read about it, you should be able to see "a number of old pits and a large boiler" as well as "the main shaft was over 100 feet deep, and opened out to a chamber 8 feet by 30 feet. On the property were a boarding house, trimming-shed, stable, forge, and other buildings."  The mines were supposed to be "just meters off the Mica Loop Trail".  I suppose "just meters" should be obvious enough but we hiked the whole trail and did not see a thing that indicated where exactly to step off the trail in order to see the mines.  And, as always, hiking by myself with young children in tow, going off trail into the woods to search for deep hidden pits in the ground seemed like a pretty bad idea.

So, there was actually very little mine-related on our adventure today - though Seamus did find an old test pit on the Wagon Trail which made him and Liam feel like our search for mica mines was not a total loss.

On the whole, it was a great hike. Not too long but very challenging in terms of changing elevations and difficult, steep terrain. Also, not lugging 40 lbs of Alistair around was a huge bonus - I felt light as a feather!


Ian (being the brilliant fellow that he is) solved my missing mine mystery almost immediately after learning of it.  Apparently the McClatchey Mine is here.  Who knew?!  I swear it was not obvious from the trail.  We will just have to go back another day to check it out properly.


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