Monday, 31 May 2021
Release the Mowers!
Sunday, 30 May 2021
A Burn Barrel Birthday
If nothing else, it was memorable. The first half of the hike trekked us through ankle deep swampy mud while we were dive bombed by swarms of hungry mosquitoes. This section was more like a trail run.
Saturday, 29 May 2021
A Saturday of Irritation
I started with high hopes for today. We planned to finally get our tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and eggplant sown in our kitchen garden. Unfortunately, today had other plans in store for us.
After last night's epic frost, I spent the morning watering our garden plants to reduce frost damage. We are supposed to get another very cold night tonight which completely derails our plan to plant our warm weather crops. Argh! At least our plants are still safe and cozy on our covered porch.
Next I noticed an error with Emily's pain medication this morning and ended up spending a good part of the day on the phone with the vet's office, and then driving Emily to and from the vet's office, to get it sorted it. And we have to go back again on Monday for repeat blood work to make sure that her accidental over-medication did not damage her kidneys. Argh! At least I caught the medical error early.
Charlotte is not feeling at all well after her dental day. She (and consequently me) was up every two hours all night with bloody diarrhea. Argh! At least I am pretty skilled by this point in parenthood at dealing with poop.
I am supposed to be making Liam's birthday cake today for his party tomorrow but I am out of butter. Argh! Why do I not own a milk cow?!
My online grocery pick up (with all the food for Liam's party) got cancelled because of an electrical fire at the store. I managed to re-book at a different store but some of the items I need for the party are out of stock there. Argh!
And the worst of it? Ian managed to move Gus-Gus to check on her eggs and she is sitting on unfertilized chicken and duck eggs! There is not one single turkey egg under there! ARGH!
The raspberries I transplanted this morning look about how I am currently feeling.
I am ready for today to be over. Let's start fresh tomorrow, please.
Friday, 28 May 2021
The New Zealand of Ontario
Thursday, 27 May 2021
Doggy Dental Day
Wednesday, 26 May 2021
Life, uh... Finds a Way
Tuesday, 25 May 2021
One Last Day
Monday, 24 May 2021
Inspiring Dreams of Forest Trails & Fish Fillets
We hiked through lots of pine forests. |
We saw many sparkling waters. |
Crazy haired Liam! |
We trekked through many fern glens. |
Everyone loves a good beaver dam. |
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You are not the right kind of fish. Get outta here! |
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You are just a baby fish. Get outta here! |