Tuesday 17 December 2019

A Santa as Sweet as Fudge

Today was Christmas concert day at Liam and Seamus' school.  Poor Seamus had a melt down this morning when Daddy showed him the reindeer antlers he found at the dollar store for his costume.  They were tiny.  "But they are Charlotte [our very small dog] sized!" he wailed.  He wore them anyway and looked so sweet.  

Liam was similarly adorable.  He had the honour of being selected to play Santa Claus for his grade one class' performance of the Christmas Parade.  Despite the scratchy beard which he nonetheless sported proudly, Liam remembered to hold up his side of the sleigh, wave and "Ho!Ho!Ho!" concurrently.  I have never been more proud.  It almost made up for the remaining hour and 27 minutes where I had to watch way too many grade 5 and 6 children floss to hip hop remixed Christmas carols in French.  Sigh.

Aside from continuing to wrestle with my never ending laundry pile, I also made a batch of fudge today.  On one hand I enjoy making Aunt Jane and Dad's maple fudge as it allows me to keep alive a tradition they created and sustained in our family.  On the other, it makes me sad that they are not able to do it anymore.  Nonetheless, I want to live in a world where we eat homemade maple fudge during the holidays and I want my kids to grown up loving this special treat as much as I did.  And so, Ian and I together mixed and mixed the fudge going back and forth "Is it dull yet?" "Nope, still shiny." until it actually turned dull (around 43 C) and we got it into the pan just in the nick of time.  If I cannot have Aunt Jane or Dad as my fudge making partners in crime, then I will gladly accept my strong armed husband as my mixing helper and moral support giver in this area.

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