Monday 3 September 2018

Because People Like to Say "Salsa"

Another tomato harvest, another creative way to preserve a ton of tomatoes.  People may like to say "salsa" but have you ever wondered how many people it takes to make 41 jars of salsa in one afternoon? Six.  The answer is six.

Seamus and Liam helped Ian and I harvest and sort the tomatoes.

Grandma chopped the onions.

I ran half the tomatoes through the food mill, peeled garlic, and measured out the rest of the ingredients.

Ian and Grandma diced the other half of the tomatoes.

Liam and Seamus taste tested.

Our neighbour Alan stopped by to chop jalapenos and fill the glass jars for us.

Ian ran the water bath and processed all the jars.

Whoa!  We are all exhausted and totally tomatoed out.  But we have enough salsa stored away to eat almost a jar per week for an entire year.  Luckily tacos are a crowd-pleaser in our household and besides, having so much salsa around gives us a great excuse to say keep saying "salsa"!

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