Sunday 16 September 2018

Barn Raising Day #2

Lots more progress today...

I would like to extend a gigantic "Thank You" to Bruce who came back again today bright and early to help out.  Not only that, but Bruce brought his awesome son Wyatt, who was so skilled at occupying Liam and Seamus that I even got some free time to work on harvesting, housework, and garden clean up.  Thank you Wyatt!  Another huge "Thank You" to Glendon for helping all afternoon.  Working together Ian, Bruce and Glendon got three of the four walls up as well as the piece over the door.  It looks so good!

Ian and I are incredibly grateful for the help we have received with this undertaking - from the planning advice to the construction assistance.  We have never built a barn before and thanks to a few special people willing to share their time, expertise, and strength, we are closer than ever to making this happen!


  1. Barn is looking good! What will you use for the roof?

    1. Metal roof on purlins. Building trusses is in my future yet...
