Tuesday 29 January 2013

The Day The Guppies Died

Today's question:
What happens when your filter's temp regulation mechanism breaks and causes your aquarium's temperature to skyrocket?

The water goes very cloudy and your fish cook.

I know this from personal experience.  I recently lost a handful of guppies and a bushy nose pleco due to this sad occurance.  The tank water was VERY hot and the heater coils were glowing a very bright red colour.  No other possible explanation.  Time for burial at sea (flush) for the fish and a replacement heater.

Unfortunately the fish weren't cooked in such a way they could be eaten (like a ling!), so they were cleaned up and the tank is now circulating with fresh water until I can get a replacement heater.

Onwards and upwards!

A guppy.  Not mine.  Mine are dead.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your guppies Ian...I know how much you enjoy and take care of your fish so this must have been a disappointment to you! SJK
