Thursday 24 January 2013

(Debatable) Poultry Progress

There are some things new on the fowl front and other things that haven't progressed as much as I'd like (specifically bitey duck issues but we'll get to that).

First, it is with heavy hearts that we report the passing of our Plymouth Barred Rock hen on January 23rd.  RIP zebra chicken.

Zebra hen  in fall 2012 as we will remember her.
Next, it has been just over a month since I implemented a new disciplinary regime for our bitey male Runner Duck, Leah.  I have been pretty consistent in putting him in a submissive position each time he tries to bite me (which is every time I enter the coop, by the way); however, I am disappointed to report that there has been no significant improvement in his naughty behaviour.  He is still super aggressive.

Leah in submissive - literally the only time he is not trying to bite me.
I plan to continue with my disciplinary regime but am hoping that perhaps the problem is that he doesn't have enough female attention on which to expend his pent up energy.  We only have two ducks right now (one male and one female) but from what I have read male ducks are happier with many more females around.

Which leads me to my next announcement - we have ordered our new chicks and ducklings for spring 2013!

I have ordered my one day old chicks and ducklings from Performance Poultry, a bird breeder near Picton, ON.  I ordered from this breeder in the spring of 2011 and was very happy with my birds (except for Cornelius the rooster who was a bit of an unpleasant surprise) so I figured I'd give them a try again this year.

I ordered 24 birds - five varieties of chickens and one type of duck but in two different colours.  I ordered all females since they are the only ones who lay eggs and honestly, from my experience, boy birds are just a bundle of unnecessary trouble.

Below are what my new chicks will look like when they are full grown.

Cuckoo Maran (lays dark brown eggs)

New Hampshire Red (lays brown eggs)

Plymouth Rock, Buff colouring (lays pinkish brown eggs)

Wyandotte, Columbian colouring (lays brown eggs)

Black Australorp (lays brown eggs)

Indian Runner Duck, Blue colouring (lays blue eggs)

Indian Runner Duck, Chocolate colouring (lays blue eggs)

I am hoping that once I am able to introduce four new female ducks into Leah and Kate's flock, there will be enough female attention directed towards Leah that he will forget all about biting me.  Here's to hoping!

My new chicks and ducks will be ready for pick up on Wednesday, April 24th.  I am super excited!  I love getting baby chicks.  There is nothing quite like the sound of "Cheep!  Cheep!  Cheep!" coming from the main house mudroom!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So exciting :) The Wyandotte is really unique-looking. Fingers crossed for no males masquerading as females and that Leah stops being so bitey with all the ladies around!
