Sunday 10 January 2021

Furry Mitts & Meat Balls

It was another quiet Sunday here on Gael Glen Farm.  We had sleep ins, farm chores, some TV/toy time, outdoor play in the snow, afternoon naps, and even with all that, I managed to read an entire novel!

Ian was by far the most productive family member today.  He worked hard at his newest hobby - leather crafting.  He is currently making his second pair of beaver fur mittens.





In addition to all the crafting, Ian also prepared supper for us - spaghetti and meat balls.  What a treat!  The kids all had a second helping.  And then he did the dishes!

Either this is evidence that I have the best, most multi-talented partner in the entire world OR that I should spend the day reading more often, lol.  Maybe both?!

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