Tuesday 17 November 2020

So Very Different

Our two eldest boys, Liam and Seamus, love each other intensely though often you would think otherwise since they spend so much of their time trying to throttle one another.  I find it amazing; however, that despite being raised exactly the same, they are turning out to be so incredibly different.

Liam is intellectual.  Today I taught him how his eyes got to be blue when both his brothers' eyes are brown.  He then worked out the odds of his future children's eye colour in the case of a blue eyed or brown eyed mate and then proceeded to work out if he could still have grandchildren with blue eyes even if all his children had brown.  It is incredible to see his mind at work.

Seamus is a builder.  While Liam and I worked on rudimentary genetics, Seamus was so perfectly happy in his "workshop" in the garage constructing himself a bench.  Number one on his Christmas list this year is his very own pile of wood scraps and a big box of screws.  He actually asked me if I thought his Uncle might come over to give him carpentry lessons.  Seamus is going to be one heck of a craftsman when he grows up. 

I returned from checking in on Seamus to find Liam downstairs teaching himself to play the piano.  I am pretty hard pressed to help in this department since I do not play at all myself, but at least I was able to direct him to middle C and encourage proper hand placement instead of tapping notes out with one finger.  Since discovering this interest, I have bought him two beginner books which he is employing in his self directed learning though I frequently hear him working melodies out by ear.

I am in awe of my two wonderfully unique not so little anymore boys and their diverse interests and talents.  They are such cool kids.

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