Friday 24 July 2020

Upgraded Accommodations & a Crazed Donkey

With the last remaining trio of meat ducks (two Peking hens and a drake) moved in with the laying hens, our new laying chicks and pair of turkeys were able to move into the now vacant north side of the big chicken coop.  Liam and Seamus helped me clip their flight feathers and carried them over to their new home.

The meat chicks were then free to move from their chick trailer (which they were quickly outgrowing) into the little coop.  These chicks were thrilled to be outside in the fresh air with a bigger feeder and waterer and dirt to scratch around in.  I was not so thrilled when they did not move an inch toward the coop come nightfall resulting in me having to pick each one up and place them inside the coop.  Thankfully the meat chicks are super docile and very, very easy to catch.  Still, I hope that they get with the program tomorrow and start moving in and out of the coop on their own.

The laying chicks and turkeys were not so thrilled to be locked in their side of the coop for the day even though they had ample space.  It will take them a few days to recognise the new coop as home so unfortunately for them they must be restricted to the inside part of their luxury accommodation until Monday at least.  They are not so easy to catch and I refuse to chase them around the chicken run at bedtime - so, temporary chick confinement it is.

Aside from poultry relocation, we had a visit from the farrier this afternoon.  Charlie was not on her best behaviour.  I think the farrier jinxed us by wearing sandals.  When I commented on her unconventional footwear she replied that "small animals like this one don't tend to break toes".  Well, the barn flies are terrible this time of year and they bite!  It was really hard for Charlie to stand still to get her hooves trimmed while the flies bit her legs.  The outcome was that she bucked around like a crazed bronco pretty much the whole time the farrier was here.  She stepped on my toes twice - thank goodness I was not wearing sandals!  The farrier kept her cool and got Charlie done but she definitely earned her fee today.  Damn flies and what a ridiculous donkey.  I had no idea Charlie could stand up completely vertical on her hind legs.  It would have been quite impressive if I hadn't been so worried about her coming down on the farrier's toes!

After nighttime chores, I capped the day off with a twilight raspberry pick.  By this time it was getting pretty dark so I am sure I didn't get all the ripe ones but these should make for a delicious evening snack.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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