Thursday 20 February 2020

Seamus the Brave

Nobody can say that our Seamus is not a trooper.  He spent the day at the Carleton Place Hospital having his adenoids removed and tubes put in his ears.  He was brave and calm. 

Seamus was happy about the special hospital jammies he got to wear and he went willingly with Dr. Chris, the anaesthesiologist, to try on a "fire fighter mask" with air that smelled like bubblegum.  The only time he got agitated was when he was back in the car for the drive home because he could not remember the two hours he spent in the recovery room eating popsicles.  He was convinced that he had left without the promised treat and got very upset.  We rectified the situation with two popsicles and apple juice upon our arrival home. 

Seamus has since adopted "the recovery position" (aka spot on the chesterfield with an IPAD on Paw Patrol).  I expect that this is where I will find him (and his big brother) for the next several days while Seamus is medicated. 

All in all, Seamus did incredibly well today.  We won't mention that Mama was a nervous wreck...but we both made it through in one piece and it was a very positive experience.  Now all that is left is to see if he can hear me any better.  Here's to hoping!

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